Bags, purses,

Every day I make a new bag and  it is almost never – the same as I already did but I just keep improving my skill, searching for new materials, systems, inventing something new and when I get some feedback – improving again until I’m satisfied with it. I wish I can give all my products to the people I love or like or to the customers or just keep them for my self and for my family. But I sell them and therefore they can be categorized and different ways.  so I’ll put them here, all in one place to remember, to re-do some of those and to offer them to you – dear readers for reasonable price.

You can order your perfect bag here and now.


Zipped bags

Zipped bags are best sellers. Made from single endless zipper what means it unzips all the way from the top to the bottom – very unusual and funny seeing it for the first time. When in use – you choose where it opens depending on needs.

Zipped shoulder bag
Shoulder bag. Size: 20 x 30 cm plus
long handle.
Hand bag with rounded handle and backpack with longer stripe - handle. I used the stripe
Hand bag with rounded handle and backpack with longer stripe – handle. I used the stripe



Graphic novel bags


Since I found the fabric printed with graphic novels and cartoons – I did numerous of those. I also gave them to the striparnica ( Cartoons) shop in Ljubljana city center while they fit there perfectly.

Here there are, recent ones:

Look at me/ why are you looking at me?!
The part with the eyes is pocket ( with zipper).



Keep your secrets in the safe place
There is one secret about this bag. Secret storage.


Tote bags


The everyday- simple- pattern- bags. The fabric and the ideas is what makes those products interesting for everybody.

The tic-tac-toe playing on the bag. The cat shape decor for the cat-lovers, the people illustration etc…

People tote bag


It is not just another tote-bag it is a shopping bag you wear anywhere – with a smile on your face.

tote bag


yoga-mat-bag for contemporary living

yoga lifestyle

It is yoga-mat-bag which could be used as simple shoulder bag with three pockets.

It is functional and there is variety of materials, closing systems etc.

smanjena tri male zatvorenesmanjen smedja na crte otvorena duga

smanjena crna blizu otvorena dugasmanjena crna mala detalj otvorena

smanjena crna sa mattom otvorena

smanjena karirana sa mattom otvorena




… to be continued. Soon.